Greetings to New Lady (401505)
Greetings to New Lady (401505)
Mariya-club wishes you Merry Christmas!
Mariya-club wishes you Merry Christmas!
Light_of_Your_Soul (ID: 388751)
Light_of_Your_Soul (ID: 388751)
Joy of Giving
Joy of Giving
Club news
Mariya-club becomes very popular among people with sincere intentions
<span style="font-size: 12pt; line-height: 115%; font-family: " lang="EN-US">Mariya-club becomes very popular among people with sincere intentions because this site has proved reputation of prestigious and professional dating site... Our site attracts attention of more and more ladies from Russia and Ukraine every day. The date base is enlarged by number of new ladies day by day who are seriously looking to find their soul mates. Glad to see you among the clients of mariya-club and invite you to have a look at the profiles of new arrivals- there is someone for you!!!</span>
Happy Holidays! I wish you Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year!
<span style="font-size: 12pt; line-height: 115%; font-family: " lang="EN-US"><br /></span>
Dear Clients,
<p>Holidays are coming and I am glad to know you are with me during these special days.</p>
<p>I wish you Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year! I really hope you find the special soul mate this upcoming year and you are happy together!</p>
<p>Dear men, do not forget to congratulate your second halves and to present a small gift you can find on my site. Attention will make your lady feel special.</p>
<p>Happy Holidays.</p>
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Your search is faster and much easier to do!
New area - Quick Link
Dear Client, I propose one more function on my site what is supposed to make your search easier. When you enter your profile, you see the new area- Quick Link. With a help of this Function, your search is faster and much easier to do. I do the best you enjoy the service. Mariya.
How to start conversation?
Each person on the earth wants to find his/her couple with whom he/she will be happy. But sometimes, because of different reasons this problem becomes very difficult.
And it is not sophisticated that people search for a help in this hard case. For many people Internet and marriage sites of acquaintances become a saving raft at storming ocean of life.
An acquaintance through site begins with letters. And letters solve everything: whether relations will develop further or will end without getting on a new level.
First of all, Russian women love initiative and strong men. And consequently first of all aspire to learn between lines in the interlocutor these qualities.
To make such impression, the man should hold always the initiative in the hands that means to write first and not to wait.
A man necessarily should set the tone in letters of dialogue. Style of writing of letters should be polite, delicate, soft and opened.
You should not show off, hiding something about yourself. The excessive reserve leads to mistrust.
A man should always show interest to a woman, to her inner. Women are by nature more sensual and emotional, than men, therefore the role of her internal experiences is difficult for overestimating.
Man’s attention to woman’s feelings is always safe!
Man should first ask woman questions, aspiring to learn her better. But after formal questions about her hobby, lifestyle, it is necessary to pass to that level of dialogue which happens between close enough people. If the pause of formal questions-answers is too long, woman can consider it, as an absence of interest to her. And can loose interest herself.
We give some pieces of advice for you to know how to start communication. Hope they somehow will help you!
Oh, These Russian Girls!
Have you ever heard about Russian girls? Of course, you do. What are they? What do you think about them? There are a lot of stereotypes about Russian girls and we want to tell you about these lovely and attractive girls.
Probably, you have heard about Russian women, know about them a lot if you have decided to find Russian wife.
But, in general Russian women are persons from the capital letter. Not always understood by men, but, certainly submitting their beauty, mind, talents and inexplicable will.
Russian women for many men – as «light of a bulb for night moths», attracting and mysterious, but if you come closer– she will burn you. The character of the Russian woman is unpredictable. It is a storm and a calm, it is light and darkness, it a cold and heat simultaneously.
Probably, you know nothing about Russian women or have about their false idea. Everything that the Russian woman does is her personal choice. Russian women choose their way themselves.
There is no recipe to win the Russian woman if she does not want that. Russian women are very capricious, they cannot be forced to do what they do not want, it is impossible to force them to be obedient and to be in a shade of the man, of course, if they do not want it.
If you could interest the Russian woman it means that the destiny smiles to you and gives chance to change your life for the best.
Love and admire weakness and feminity of Russian women, but know about force of their character. Russian says: «the Russian woman will stop a galloping horse and will come into a burning log hut». This saying precisely displays all internal essence of the Russian woman, improbable force of her will.
Value her fidelity and care. For favorite person the Russian woman will make everything, she will not spare herself for the sake of people that are dear for her.
Appreciate her gift to be mother and ability to love and bring up children, to create a cosines and warm condition in the house, her extraordinary spirituality.
Respect her freedom, trust the Russian woman – and she will pay back you with the same, she will show all her divine beauty and will fill your life with pleasure, warmth and love.
Women are like flowers, they need a lot of care!
Have you ever seen any Slavic woman? Surely you have! For example pretty looking Natalya Vodyanova who has become the well-known top-model although not long ago she has been a market worker and was selling the products there!
So the magic plots may become real! It`s needed just the right apprehension to understand that the woman working at the market is going to be a top-model soon! So if you have the eyes to see you may have a chance to become a husband of the prettiest lady who may really become the world class top-model! But the fact is that it is not a way of thinking for al the women but just for the most capricious ones! The women who are thinking in a real way always appreciate first of all not of the material stability or even a rich life but a good and friendly family which is created by the sincere and respectful relationship with a partner. And such a kind of relationship is possible just in a couple where the husband is an honest and trustworthy man who treats his wife in a proper way.
So have you changed your mind about the women and have you understood that it`s not the money which all of them are looking for? If not yet then you really should because it`s harder to find a good man than to earn a lot of money. By the way many women are active in business nowadays and they don`t need any money from you because they work a lot and earn enough for the good life. So it`s really possible for you not only to find a woman of your dream but also to make a family couple to the lucky business lady who will help you to manage your own business and do it better.
Ok we hope that now you have realized the fact that not all the women are looking for the money! Most of them are looking for the good relationship with a man who will care of them and make them happy! So are you going to be happy? If you are, then send her the first letter and tell her the words of admiration. Tell her that you are just the man who is going to take care of her every moment of a day and she will like it much more than any financial treasure even if you have it to offer her!
Join now, be active!
Dinners at a candle light and meeting the sunsets are the most popular steps of the romantic relationship for every couple.
Have you ever had these most pleasant moments in you life? If you had but now you are free again then you should return them back into your life! If you hadn`t then you really should have them by all means! As you still didn`t try what does it mean to be together with your only one lady who loves you and is ready to become your wife some time later!
Many men think that it`s very difficult to draw an attention of the pretty lady or the woman they like because of some another qualities. But it`s a mistake and illusion! As the lady is often just waiting for the signs of attention so you should just start showing her that you really like her and want to live together with her. As this is a structure of the nature when the man shows a woman that he likes her and he often gets the mutual affection! So why not to try making an effort towards the chosen direction? You really should try and there is a chance that you will be really lucky! All the women like the signs of attention and there is really a chance that the only one who is waiting for you needs just a little wink or a first letter. And if you send it the happiness may really knock your door! So join us now and be active in your search!
What do you need to put an end to your loneliness?
Loneliness is a bitter and unpleasant feeling. The scientists have found out that lonely men live the shorter life than the married ones. Why, will you ask them!
The most simple answer is that the dark thoughts coming into the mind of the lonely man fill him with the negative emotions and worsen his health! The same time the man having a family thinks positively and his health is growing better and better!
As you surely would not like to become a part of the sad statistics you need to find a wife! And we will help you to do it! We have already done a half of the matter. Can you imagine it, we have collected the profiles and photos of the beautiful Ukrainian Slavic women and all what you need now is to choose those most attractive for you!
Have you ever thought of the fact that the ladies hate being lonely too! That is why they will be happy to reply your first letters which you will send them!
Well, what should you expect to have after some time of correspondence giving both of you a chance to get to know each other better? You will probably have a meeting with her! It is going to be the most romantic part of your relationship history! And we will help you a lot to make the meeting real and unforgettable!